Speaking of upward, my thoughts these days have been filled with the "What's Next" question. I am wrapping up my 93 day notice in the next couple of weeks and I am still hemming and hawing when people ask what I am going to be doing. Well...my retirement is going to start out with a bang. I am helping my son, Nick Westfall, behind the scenes of his movie, 8 Slices, which he wrote and is directing down in Holden Beach for 2 weeks in January. Like his first movie, I will be doing a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It will be a wild ride that will be exhaustingly fun. He has endless amounts of energy (I wonder where he inherited this) and I enjoy seeing him follow his passion.
I just started running consistently and adding a few miles of speed. I am looking forward to devoting more time and energy to my running. I may be almost 52, but I feel like I can thwart off the big slowdown that often occurs in women in their 50's (especially those who have been running as long as I have). I may be delusional, but I want to see where consistency and the devotion of time can lead me.

I just bought a new microphone to use in a podcast I am developing so I played around with it by creating a short 5 minute meditation. This is an easy way to refocus during this hectic holiday season. I would love your feedback (bad, constructive and good) and whether or not you would like to see more. If you cannot retrieve it below, it will be on my Facebook page: Cindy Kearns Barbour. Please find and enjoy it there.
From the bottom of my heart, I feel badly about misrepresenting the record and I wish you all a peaceful, joyous holiday season.